by Stephen Tiano | Mar 19, 2021 | book design, getting to press
You know how sometimes it’s said that writing and self-publishing a book is like giving birth? Well, I had an interesting experience bringing a book to press recently. We were using Amazon’s KDP. Now I must say that previously, before they changed their name...
by Stephen Tiano | Mar 1, 2021 | book design, freelancing
Of course, I work in print. If I were one of those artists who could actually draw, I might not be so limited. But when I have no book in the hopper, its manuscript on my desk, or its textfiles on my machine, I usually spend my time online. I divide my attention...
by Stephen Tiano | Feb 25, 2021 | book design, Tools, Typefaces
Back during the summer of 2007 I ran a piece in my still-young, original blog. “Four (Sometimes Multi-Part) Questions for Book Designers. Now that I have a website and a blog again I’m reposting my old blog pieces so that what I’ve had to say on book design and...
by Stephen Tiano | Feb 24, 2021 | book design, Typefaces
With all apologies to Smashing Magazine … Smashing Magazine has posted the results of a survey they took, “35 Designers x 5 Questions”, that I found almost as helpful a piece to use as a starting point for brainstorming as any I have ever read. The one hitch is that...
by Stephen Tiano | Feb 15, 2021 | book design, freelancing
Having given some thought to the kinds of books I might not want to involve myself with, perhaps the time has come to consider the books I would like to help bring to press. Broadly, of course, aside from the sorts of books I prefer to avoid, any book that is a paying...
by Stephen Tiano | Feb 11, 2021 | book design, illustrated books, post
The page design and layout of an illustrated children’s book is as interesting as freelance book design and page composition projects get. Completely beside the strong emotion you feel from showing such a finished book to, say, your grandchildren, there is the...