by Stephen Tiano | Apr 20, 2021 | book design, freelancing, Tools
The twenty year mark from when I bought my first Macintosh computer in November of 1989, a IIx, approaches. Before that, from 1985 on, I had been an Apple Computer fan, but I belonged to the family of Apple II users—at first on a IIe and then a IIgs. At that point all...
by Stephen Tiano | Feb 25, 2021 | book design, Tools, Typefaces
Back during the summer of 2007 I ran a piece in my still-young, original blog. “Four (Sometimes Multi-Part) Questions for Book Designers. Now that I have a website and a blog again I’m reposting my old blog pieces so that what I’ve had to say on book design and...
by Stephen Tiano | Feb 16, 2021 | Tools
Aside from the ever-present challenge of keeping new book design and layout projects coming in, both to keep working and just to stay fresh, I find the thorniest issue to be the question of when to upgrade. This pertains to both hardware and software. Without even...