by Stephen Tiano | Nov 17, 2024 | book design, freelancing
Has it really been 15 years since I last posted to the blog? I mean, almost to the day! I stopped posting to this blog back then because I’d run out of new things to say about book design, making books, and freelancing. It just felt like I was stretching beyond any...
by Stephen Tiano | Jun 1, 2021 | freelancing
I found your webpage while looking at some information on I had a friend mention freelance typesetting as a possibility for work. I am currently out of school, with no education focused on design; however, I am a bit of a photographer and have...
by Stephen Tiano | Apr 20, 2021 | book design, freelancing, Tools
The twenty year mark from when I bought my first Macintosh computer in November of 1989, a IIx, approaches. Before that, from 1985 on, I had been an Apple Computer fan, but I belonged to the family of Apple II users—at first on a IIe and then a IIgs. At that point all...
by Stephen Tiano | Mar 31, 2021 | finding paying projects, freelancing
I cannot say it enough times: Fully half of a freelancer’s work is finding work. At least before one has enough work to be self-sufficient or, at least, satisfied with the activity level. If you’re me, the next question would be, So when are you satisfied enough that...
by Stephen Tiano | Mar 22, 2021 | freelancing, social media
Each of us realizes there are things we do not know. I mean, unless we fade to black when it comes to our own limitations. We may not even know what sorts of things we are ignorant about. One of the beauties of the Internet, I think, is how it continually points out...
by Stephen Tiano | Mar 1, 2021 | book design, freelancing
Of course, I work in print. If I were one of those artists who could actually draw, I might not be so limited. But when I have no book in the hopper, its manuscript on my desk, or its textfiles on my machine, I usually spend my time online. I divide my attention...